Get $1 in cash for every 100 points redeemed. Put money towards your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, save for retirement, or pay off a recent purchase, and more. Explore flexible options below.
Redeem points to make a payment towards your enviro Visa card account balance.
Lower your enviro Visa card balance. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Redeem points to reimburse yourself for any item purchased with your enviro Visa card.
New sweater or groceries? Redeem points for cash to cover a recent purchase made with your enviro Visa card. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).
Whatever you’re saving for, redeem your points to get you closer to your savings goals.
Contribute to your Jumpstart™ High Interest Savings Account. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Contribute to your Business Jumpstart High Interest Savings Account. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Add to your retirement nest egg, your vacation fund, or anything else you’re saving for.
Earn interest, tax-free, in your TFSA Jumpstart High Interest Savings Account. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Save money for your future in your RRSP Jumpstart High Interest Savings Account. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Redeem points towards your Vancity term deposit.
A flexible option for investing your savings. Starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value). Minimum investment 30 days.
Earn interest tax-free with a TFSA term deposit. Starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value). Minimum investment 30 days.
Earn interest and reduce your taxable income with a RRSP term deposit. Starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value). Minimum investment one year.
Make a payment towards your Vancity car loan, personal loan, or mortgage.
Make a payment towards your Vancity mortgage. Starting at 10,000 points ($100 rewards value).
Make a payment towards your Vancity car loan, RRSP loan, or personal loan. Starting at 10,000 points ($100 rewards value).
Pay down your Vancity PersonalineTM or CreditlineTM.
Make a payment towards your Personaline or Creditline. Starting at 5,000 points ($50 rewards value).
Make investments through your Qtrade Investor account.
Add funds to your Qtrade Investor account to trade stock online. Starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value).
Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Investor, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc.
Make investments with a Vancity Wealth Management Professional.
Invest in a portfolio of mutual funds, stock and/or bonds, starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value). Contact your branch Credential Asset Management Wealth Planner or the Sustainable Wealth Management Advice Team at 604-829-5560 or contact your branch Credential Securities Wealth Advisor or the Wealth Advisory Support Team at 604-709-5838 to redeem.
Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Credential Securities is a registered mark owned by Aviso Wealth Inc. Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc.
Save for your child’s post-secondary education with an RESP investment, starting at 50,000 points ($500 rewards value). Contact your branch Credential Asset Management Wealth Planner or the Sustainable Wealth Management Advice Team at 604-829-5560 or contact your branch Credential Securities Wealth Advisor or the Wealth Advisory Support Team at 604-709-5838 to redeem.
Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Credential Securities is a registered mark owned by Aviso Wealth Inc. Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc.